Friday, September 29, 2017


District No. 37
Annabelle Nash, Reporter

Our school opened Tuesday, September 3rd, with an enrollment of sixteen pupils. An election was held and Annabelle Nash was elected reporter....
The enrollment of the school by grades is as follows:
First Grade: Robert Kietzman, Robert McCorkle, Idella Shafer, Allen Higgins.
Second Grade: Wayne Tornowski.
Third Grade: Alice Nash, Robert Yana.
Fourth Grade: Ray McCorkle, Lauretta Nash.
Fifth Grade: Aldine Tornowski.
Sixth Grade: Charles Yana, Everett Fairley.
Seventh Grade: Margaret Nash, Annabelle Nash, Rosetta Doily.
Eighth Grade: August Tornowski, Jr.
The fifth annual Smith School Reunion will be held Sunday, September 22nd, 1940. There will be a basket dinner at noon and a program, which promises to be good, at two o'clock P.M.

--Roberts Herald. 18 September 1940.

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