Sunday, October 29, 2017

7 December 1871

LYMAN ITEMSWe notice with pleasure that F. A. Roberts is determined to make the R. R. station, in this town, decidedly a nice little village, in which persons may make their permanent home.
For some time past he has been planting trees for shade along the principal streets, and although the freeze, just past, has stopped operations for this fall, he assures us that he expects to plant two thousand more the coming spring. He has also been boring for water at the crossing o
f Main and Green streets, having found an abundance at a moderate depth, is now making preparations to put down a town well.
The Newman Bro.'s have been shipping a large quantity of broom corn to Philadelphia markets.
Our switch is filled with cars loaded with iron for the L. B. & M. road, making it quite inconvenient for persons doing business here. Melvin is also in the same fix.
Johnson & Meserve bought 103 loads of corn on Saturday of last week, and considerable of it being shelled, it weighed out 3,100 bushels. Can Melvin beat it?
Our drug store has come at last. We notice quite an amount of freight for W. C. Thompson & Co., the firm who proposes to carry on that business here. They are energetic, go ahead, and all that sort of thing," and mean business right up to the handle. We hope they will have good success
Most of our schools have commenced their winter terms, with a good attendance. We notice that Lyman Township furnishes most of the teachers, and good ones they are.
A large number of good substantial buildings have been erected in this town during the year '71, which is now rapidly drawing to a close, and as every good building increases not only the wealth of the man who erects it, but also adds dollars and cents to the acres of his neighbors, we should take pride in every home improvement -- let folks know what we are doing and ask them to say what they have performed. Last year our worthy editor called for statistics on this subject from the different towns of this county, and only one town responded, that of Brenton, and only two men were public spirited enough to collect these statistics and forward them. They were Messrs. Conrow & Finney of the above mentioned town. Now we think if this call were made again this year it would be better responded to. Would it not be worth while to try it and see, Mr. Editor?
Roberts' Station wants a hotel bad, a Sherman House or Tremont Jr., or even another Bennett House would be very acceptable, as it is hard to find a boarding house at times. Who will be the lucky man? Don't all speak at once.

--Paxton Record. 7 December 1871.

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