Sunday, October 29, 2017

18 January 1872

Allow me, Mr. Editor, to make my excuses for this lengthy hiatus in my items, and with the promise of being more punctual in the future, I send these for your next issue.
Weather and roads very fine for this season of the year.
Corn is coming into town lively, through the rather low price has a tendency to make the farmers hold on to their maize tighter than they otherwise would.

Considerable corn is being shipped to the East from this station. --To the New England states especially.
Another new house is going up in town. Messrs. Newman & Florey are the builders. Our "G., C. & L." R.R. has made another "time arrangement in regards to its passenger trains." The two night trains are taken off, in order to use the engines to move the freight that has accumulated along the line. This is for a short time only, as the road expects new engines this week.
O. B. Taft, of Chicago, was in town last week.
Several changes in real estate have been made in this vicinity lately.
Alexander Forbes, of this town, has returned from the south where he has been sojourning for some months. We were all glad to see Aleck once more.
The Methodist's are holding a Revival meeting at the school house, in District No. 4. The meetings are largely attended.

The Rev. W. Matthews, of Onarga, agent of the "Western Seamen's Bethel Association," of Chicago, has been lecturing in our town quite extensively Mr. Matthews drew good audiences.
Four hearts that beat as one, four souls with but a single thought, were made contented and happy a short time ago. Those principally interested were Mr. John Barker and Miss Leua Forbes; Mr. J. A. Forbes and Miss Mary Scott, all of this town. We wish them much joy.
Melvin has the blues....
They have a doctor to keep it alive, "Vade in pace."
Miss Rouse, of New York, is visiting relatives in this vicinity.
A. A. Haling of this Township, intends removing to the East in a short time.
The Rev. Mr. Wilcox, the well known and highly esteemed pastor of the Congregational Church, of this town, expired on Tuesday, Jan. 9th.
Several runaways in town lately. No particular damage done.
Something of an accident occurred at the R. R. crossing, near Thawville, a few days ago. A man trying to cross the rail road upset, broke his wagon, killed a horse and otherwise shook things up considerable. Moral, let not drunken men try to cross the "G., C. & L." R. R. near Thawville.
A special petition for a town meeting is circulating in our Township, having for its object to devise ways and means to escape our R. R. indebtedness.

--Paxton Record. 18 January 1872.

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